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Les enfants ont une façon unique de voir le monde. Ils trouvent de la magie dans les choses les plus simples.
Children have an unique a unique way to see of seeing the world. They find magic in most simple the simplest things.
Use "a" before words beginning with a consonant sound. Although "unique" starts with a vowel letter, it makes a "y" sound (like "you-neek").
The phrase "way of doing something" is a fixed expression in English. We use "way of + gerund" rather than "way to + infinitive".
When using a superlative adjective like "simplest", we use "the" rather than "most" since the superlative form already contains the meaning of "most".
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Translations for "se débrouiller"
FR → ENTo handle or deal with a situation effectively
Je vais me débrouiller avec ce problème.
I will manage this problem.
To find a solution or way to do something, often through resourcefulness
T'inquiète pas, je vais me débrouiller.
Don't worry, I'll figure it out.
To survive or cope with minimal resources or knowledge
Il se débrouille bien en anglais.
He gets by well in English.
Je vais à Paris demain.
to leave
I am going to leave for Paris tomorrow.
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Le Petit Prince
Lorsque j'avais six ans j'ai vu une magnifique image dans un livre sur la Forêt Vierge qui s'appelait "Histoires Vécues".
Ça représentait un serpent boa qui avalait un fauve.